The Fast & Easy Labor Every Mom Hopes For

Sep 11, 2023

The Fast & Easy Labor Every Mom Hopes For

Kelsey started coming to our office when she was pregnant with her first child and was looking forward to continuing care throughout her second pregnancy. Care during pregnancy helped to keep mama more comfortable and experiencing less of the “common” pregnancy symptoms. Towards the third trimester, Kelsey was informed that her baby had flipped to a breech position. Kelsey knew she had a little time before it would change the course of the labor and delivery she wanted, so she worked hard to get her little one to flip again to the proper head-down position.
Kelsey used techniques from one of her favorite resources: Spinning Babies and stepped up her frequency chiropractic care with our Webster Certified Doc Team as well as other techniques shared by Spinning Babies. In just a couple weeks’ time, Baby Girl was back in the correct position!

Kelsey was actually able to have to labor and delivery she hoped for! Two days after an adjustment, Kelsey went into labor. Kelsey’s water broke and about an hour later, contractions began. Within 2 more hours, Baby Hadley was in her arms!
When mom’s pelvis is aligned, the birth canal is a direct passage without any bumps in the road. It also helps mom’s nervous system to respond how it was designed to. The quicker the brain can get messages to the body and the baby, typically, the faster and smoother labor and delivery will be. Chiropractic care has been shown to decrease labor times by 24 percent in first births and up to 33 percent for second or third births!

Now mom and both her daughters all come in for regular care. It helps Kelsey’s body shift back to life before it was inhabited by another human being, helps her toddler sleep better and have a happier disposition, and helps brand new Baby Hadley be able to move her head more freely, nurse better, poop more regularly, and sleep better at night

Please don’t wait to give us a call and if you’re not local to us, check out our directory and find a PX Doc office near you! We are here to accompany you and your child on your journey toward optimal health and well-being, providing exceptional care for your entire family.

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