Your body was designed to nurture and love this precious life growing within you. Trust in your journey, for it is uniquely yours.

This One’s For You, New Momma

new mom newborn postpartumn pregnancy prenatal Sep 11, 2023

This One’s For You, New Momma


In a world filled with daunting diagnoses, conflicting advice, judgmental mom groups, and endless social media commentary, navigating pregnancy can feel overwhelming. The transition to motherhood, amidst all this noise, can sometimes seem more like a departure from our former selves than the joyous milestone it should be. It's okay to feel lost and uncertain in this journey. After all, we're bidding farewell to the only versions of ourselves we've ever known: the maiden. It's natural to mourn our old lives as we step into this new chapter. But perhaps, this transformation is exactly how it's meant to be. It's okay to acknowledge the bittersweetness of closing the door on our past and embracing the unknown ahead.

How Does Our Environment Impact Pregnancy?

What if we reframed the narrative surrounding pregnancy and motherhood? It starts with the company we keep. In a world cluttered with information and opinions, the people we surround ourselves with matter most. Have you ever heard the saying, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with?" Your inner circle has a profound influence on your life, especially during vulnerable moments like pregnancy. Surround yourself with a supportive birth team and community who uplift, empower, and validate your choices throughout this journey.

I once heard a remarkable story that forever changed my perspective. Did you know that when an elephant gives birth, her fellow female elephants encircle her? It's a breathtaking sight. Massive creatures, weighing tons, kick up dust, trumpet loudly, and fiercely protect their vulnerable sister from predators. And when the baby arrives, they shower it with dirt and celebratory sounds, proudly announcing the miracle to the world.

This! This is the essence of sisterhood during the perinatal phase. Whether in moments of fertility, pregnancy, or postpartum, let's continue to uplift and support one another through every step.

Embrace Your Inner "Mom Gut"

As the elephant in the middle—the expectant mother—remember your inherent strength. Trust your instincts, your "mom gut," above all else. You are your baby's best advocate, and you have the power to make choices that align with your intuition. It's okay to tune out the noise, to seek resources that resonate with your needs rather than pleasing everyone else. Embrace your uniqueness and honor your inner voice.

Our babies are intricately connected to our nervous systems, absorbing our every emotion. That's why it's crucial to prioritize our well-being as their protectors. We thrive when our nervous systems can adapt to the stresses around us. We're capable of sprinting across the street and then enjoying a peaceful lunch afterward. That's the resilience within us.

My prayer for you is that you enter this transition into motherhood feeling empowered and assured. You are exactly the mother your baby needs. Embrace this role with grace, knowing that perfection is not the goal. You have the freedom to change your mind, your path, and your providers. Your body was designed to nurture and love this precious life growing within you. Trust in your journey, for it is uniquely yours.

Please don’t wait to give us a call and if you’re not local to us, check out our directory and find a PX Doc office near you! We are here to accompany you and your child on your journey toward optimal health and well-being, providing exceptional care for your entire family.

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