Proprioception: The Missing Piece in Your Child's Development Puzzle

Proprioception: The Missing Piece in Your Child's Development Puzzle

adhd birth trauma proprioception Aug 28, 2023

Proprioception: The Missing Piece in Your Child's Development Puzzle

As parents, our instinct to safeguard our children's health drives us to seek answers when we sense something is amiss. It's a disconcerting feeling when uncertainty clouds our understanding. Enter proprioception—a term often overlooked by many parents. Yet, if your child grapples with motor tone and development, weak core, delayed milestones, sensory processing issues, autism spectrum disorder, or ADHD and anxiety, proprioception might hold the key to unraveling these challenges.

Delving into proprioception and its pivotal role in children's developing brains is crucial for parents. Birth interventions like C-sections, inductions, forceps, and vacuum-assisted deliveries can disrupt proprioception, adding complexity to your child's health journey.

If your child faces motor function issues, coordination difficulties, or speech delays despite common therapies like PT, OT, and speech therapy, this insight is for you. As Neurologically-Focused Chiropractors, we're here to shed light on proprioception, motor tone, and development, empowering you to navigate your child's health and development journey with confidence.

Proprioception serves as the body's silent informant, relaying information to the brain about movement, coordination, and spatial orientation. Its influence extends far beyond physical tasks, impacting brain development, emotional regulation, and overall well-being in children.

Birth trauma can disrupt proprioceptive input, causing stress on the nervous system—a condition known as dysautonomia. Subluxation, a result of birth interventions, manifests as misalignment, decreased proprioceptive input, and neurological imbalance, further complicating your child's condition.

While traditional therapies assess proprioception through movement tests, our neurological INSiGHT scans offer a deeper understanding of underlying issues. Armed with this knowledge, we tailor Neuro-Tonal Adjustments to enhance proprioceptive input, fostering improvements in your child's condition.

Joseph's journey embodies the transformative power of understanding proprioception. From battling anxiety and sensory processing issues to embracing a happier, more relaxed state with improved posture, his story inspires hope.

If your child's progress with traditional therapies feels stagnant, consider Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic as a complementary approach. Together, we can support your child's health and address their movement or sensory struggles. Reach out to our team at Proactive Health & Wellness for guidance, or explore our directory to find a PX Doctor near you. Let's embark on this journey together to help your child thrive.

Please don’t wait to give us a call and if you’re not local to us, check out our directory and find a PX Doc office near you! We are here to accompany you and your child on your journey toward optimal health and well-being, providing exceptional care for your entire family.

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