Healing Begins at Night: How Quality Sleep Supports Your Child's Health

Healing Begins at Night: How Quality Sleep Supports Your Child's Health

sleep sleep challenges Nov 17, 2023

Healing Begins at Night: How Quality Sleep Supports Your Child's Health


Parents, regardless of the health challenges your child faces, whether it's common ailments like the cold or chronic neurological conditions such as anxiety, ADHD, or seizures, there's a vital initial step to take: prioritize sleep.

Sleep serves as the cornerstone of healing, laying the groundwork for all recovery processes. In this article, we delve into the significance of sleep and how it aids in overcoming health challenges, especially during the initial stages of healing and recovery. If you've exhausted various natural healing methods and observed that your child's condition worsens when they're tired or sleep-deprived, this is for you.

Sleep isn't just essential for adults; it's equally crucial for your child's well-being. Sleep disorders can affect up to 50% of children and pre-adults, leading to tiredness, disrupted family dynamics, cognitive and behavioral issues, and even long-term health concerns. Recognizing sleep disorder symptoms is key to addressing the issue effectively. Several factors, including subluxation and dysautonomia, can contribute to sleep disorders in children. These imbalances can disrupt sleep patterns by overstimulating the sympathetic nervous system and suppressing the parasympathetic response. Birth interventions like forceps, vacuum extraction, or emergency c-sections can damage your child's Vagus Nerve, hindering their ability to sleep well. In addition to addressing subluxation and Vagus Nerve dysfunction, creating an optimal sleep environment is essential. Factors such as room brightness, noise levels, temperature, and pre-bed activities matter. External factors like caffeine intake, irregular bedtimes, overstimulation before bedtime, and respiratory problems can exacerbate sleep challenges. Encouraging a digital detox can significantly improve sleep quality in today's screen-dominated world. Understanding sleep cycles is also helpful in ensuring your child gets enough uninterrupted sleep cycles, vital for their overall well-being. If your child still struggles to sleep despite trying various remedies, consider Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic care. These adjustments can significantly improve your child's sleep and overall well-being. At Proactive Health & Wellness, we specialize in providing these beneficial adjustments to calm your child's nervous system. Visit our website for more information, or if you're ready to help your child sleep better and regain their health, reach out to us today. Give us a call or send us a DM; we'd love to help! Your child's journey to improved health begins with a good night's sleep. Prioritize their sleep, and watch them thrive.


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