What Is Subluxation?

chiropractic nervous system neurological pediatric health subluxation vagus nerve Apr 17, 2023

What Is Subluxation?

Today, let's delve into a topic that may be unfamiliar but holds immense importance for your child's well-being - subluxation. As parents, comprehending what subluxation is and how it affects our children's health is vital. Once you grasp its significance, you'll be eager to explore ways to address it.

Subluxation involves stress on the nervous system, contributing to a range of issues such as gut problems, sensory challenges, emotional and behavioral issues, and immune system issues. Conversely, a healthy nervous system, free from subluxation, regulates the gut, immune system, and motor system, syncing everything with your child's brain or "hard drive."

This term is not commonly discussed in standard pediatric or medical settings due to an outdated and simplified medical definition, which overlooks its neurological component. Here's where neurologically focused pediatric chiropractic, our specialty, becomes crucial.

As parents, understanding the science and narrative behind subluxation is essential. Let's break it down visually. Subluxation is a significant concern that a trained neurologically focused pediatric chiropractor can address. Identifying subluxation as the root cause of your child's health problems allows you to take steps to eliminate it and restore your child's health.

The Three Parts of Subluxation

Subluxation consists of three components. The first part involves a misalignment in the neuromotor system, encompassing the musculoskeletal and neuro-spinal systems. The spine, particularly, plays a pivotal role in this motor system.

Misalignment leads to fixation, described as tension or altered tone, affecting more than just the musculoskeletal system. These challenges, including proprioception, tone, and coordination, constitute the first parts of subluxation.

The third element introduces the real challenge, causing neurological imbalance within the brain and nervous system, known as Dysautonomia. When subluxation shifts the nervous system into sympathetic "fight or flight" dominance, it negatively impacts various aspects of your child's well-being, from growth to digestion and immune function.

When the spine and neuro-spinal structural system are under excessive stress, it results in a stressed-out nervous system. This system serves as our access point to the central autonomic nervous system, designed by nature. Chiropractors play a role in making safe, gentle, natural drug-free adjustments to clear subluxation and reduce stress.

Subluxation Impacts 3 Main Systems

Subluxation affects three primary systems in your child's body: the gut, immune, and motor systems. It impedes gut motility and function, leading to issues like reflux, colic, and constipation. The immune system is compromised, making your child more susceptible to infections and autoimmune disorders.

Subluxation also influences the motor system and developmental milestones, impacting your child's ability to reach crucial milestones. If your child experiences tantrums, sensory or behavioral challenges, and struggles with sleep or development, it could signal excessive stress on the nervous system.

To address subluxation and enhance your child's health, reach out to us at 614-337-8111. Our office utilizes INSiGHT scans to measure and identify stress on your child's nervous system, allowing for a custom care plan that addresses subluxation and reduces stress.

Eliminating subluxation can lead to remarkable natural neurological healing, improving the gut, immune, and motor systems. Your child will experience better sleep, emotional regulation, and overall heightened functionality.

Share this information with a friend on the quest for their child's health - subluxation might be the solution they seek.

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